How I work

Step 01 - Upon initial contact, all pertinent aspects of the work in question are discussed. Everything from subject matter, theme, end usage, stylistic approach, colour as well as any potential copy requirements are covered. Time-frames, budget and copyright are determined prior to the issue of your estimate. All information gathered to this point is taken into consideration when generating your estimate. Included in your estimate are three rounds of notes/ revisions.


Step 02 - Now that I have all the critical information, I carefully assemble and send your estimate for approval. At this time a 1/3 retainer fee is required via direct interac e-transfer, please. Once the estimate has been approved and retainer fee is received, work begins!


Step 03 - Next, you are presented with WIPs (works-in-progress) versions of your designs/ illustration work. I now wait for your feedback, comments and any direction you may have. The quicker I hear back, the quicker the work proceeds. All process work for client review will be provided as 72 dpi, watermarked PNG files.


Step 04 - After you have reviewed your WIPs, notes and revisions are discussed and a final direction is set.


Step 05 - Revised work is now provided for final approval.


Step 06 - Final artwork is delivered. Final invoice is issued. All done!

The outstanding balance of payment is respectfully requested within 30 days of final delivery.


Please note: 

Once final approval has been provided in writing and the work is delivered. Any changes requested after final approval will be made in a timely fashion - no fuss, no muss.These changes will be billed as additional, at the previously agreed upon rate. 


"A cheap artist is rarely good. A good artist is rarely cheap" 


When you hire me, you get me - I do the work. No AI or sub-contracting here.

Someone who listens carefully to clearly and fully understand your needs and expectations. 

I provide what you want on time, every time.

Rights to my production process work. It's never a part of any agreement. Ever. 


Estimates are always provided prior to the commencement of any creative work. That estimate is based on the scope of the work requested and on the information I have at the time. If the job parameters change during the course of the job, so does the estimate.

I will provide a new estimate to be approved. After approval, work resumes.


The usual suspects: deadlines, volume and complexity of work. Having a set budget is helpful. It saves us both a lot of time.


I'm always happy to provide an estimate for what I can provide for you, within your existing budget.


Trying to do some good in the world?  - I'm in! -  Let's talk.

Looking forward to working with You!

Questions?.. Ask away!

- graves

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